This page is a work in progress, where I hope to upload some of my favorite amateur photo shots, photoshop tweaks and some posts and videos from my Facebook Writer’s Page.

I’m a self-proclaimed Photoshop buff and love working on restoring older pictures.

I will also be adding a Personal Gallery of images that I hope to be collecting and definitely increasing, especially through my Missing Pictures campaign that is currently ongoing. I’m very excited and hopeful that I will find a treasure trove of pictures that will only confirm for me what I already know. And that is, that love is everywhere and even in the dark times, you can always find the Light.

Please like my Facebook Page

One of my draft video Projects from using the iMovie app.

This was my first attempt at using the iMovie app which to this techie geek was a lot of fun. But by the time I had finished my first draft – I realized that it also reflected my shifting perceptions of this Memoir journey that I have embarked upon.

When I started out working on my memoirs about growing up in foster care in Newfoundland in a time you wouldn’t want to be in foster care, for me it was about healing. As I continue along my path – there’s this shift inside of me. It’s more – about building families regardless of bloodline or circumstances – and it’s about protecting our most precious treasures & legacies which are our children.

And it is the stories that we leave them that can either build them up and inspire them – or break them down. But we get to choose. One of my fave quotes is “it takes a village to raise a child” – but what happens when they can’t or won’t. I hope my story will allow people to see that even when a broken system takes over for that village, one can still survive.

Missing Pictures, Missing Pieces.

Social media can be used for many exciting things. To connect, stay in touch and find both old and new memories.

I can’t even put into words what my “missing pictures” project is doing for me. It started out as a way to casually collect pictures for my memoirs – I’ll be honest – at first I felt somewhat disconnected. Maybe that’s how I protect myself sometimes, I’m sure we all do ❤️ – but these days all I can think as I discover more images is “oh my goodness I existed, I wasn’t invisible. My Story.

The first picture in this video above actually started my missing pictures project. It was posted by a woman living in the USA who actually grew up next door to me in Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada)​ – now that’s social media!

Petty Harbour Newfoundland

Breathtakingly beautiful.

Judith Mallard - Newfoundland Memoirs

Newfoundland Dog at Signal Hill

I think I’m in love.

We love thee, we love thee,
We love thee, smiling land.

St. John’s Signal Hill

New Memoir by Judith Mallard - Non-fiction

Howe Place, St. John’s Newfoundland – 1964-65

This is a restored version that I edited in Photoshop just to remove the scratches and strengthen the focus.

Original Howe Place picture prior to Photoshop

Where it began.

Sometimes going back is about healing and not trying to trudge up hurtful memories. It felt good to walk up the street where it all began. There was not only sadness or regrets for what could have been. There was also gratitude for now what is. Going back gives me that. My Story.

Holy Trinity School – 1969-1970

This was taken during one of the few visits with my biological Father who still lived on Howe Place in St. John’s Newfoundland. However it wasn’t long before my foster parents in Torbay didn’t want me to have anything to do with my father. So the visits became few and far between.


I definitely consider myself both a nature lover and an animal lover and I enjoy taking pictures of both. Most of these pictures are taken either using my trusty iPhone or with my Canon Rebel XTI or my Canon Powershot.

This is one of my fave shots from my flower garden with some slight contrast and sharpening manipulation via Photoshop.

judith mallard

Summer blooms.

Mother Nature Rocks.

Her beauty takes my breath away.

Can I help you hooman?

If I stay really quiet, she’ll go away.

Nah mon, that won’t work. She can sit there for hours.

“I second that dude. She’s been staring at me for the past two days. Like doesn’t she have to go pee?”

“See. What did I tell you. She’s still there. Those beady little eyes. What a silly Hooman.

(But I loves her)”

Her name is Girls.

She gets more beautiful every year I see her.

My fave moon shot. Thank you #Canon.

So much beauty around us. Simplicity.

Be still my heart.

September 2024