February 2025

About Judith Mallard’s Blog

This is my playground. Where I let my soul breath.

I feel as if creativity is our link to this amazing universe – this gem we call “life”. It connects us to everything and everyone.

And never doubt – we all connect for a reason.

I remember reading a book by Dr. Rudy Tanzi and Deepak Chopra, called The Super Brain. I was so moved by its contents that I had to immediately email Dr. Tanzi to tell him how much I felt inspired by it.

Needless to say, I  was very happy when he responded to my email and offered up a little bit of advice. When I told him that I had several folders on my desktop of book projects that never got completed, he told me that I had to finish them because “they are your legacy”.

So this blog is my way of beginning the journey to my legacy. I hope to utilize this space for two of my hobbies. One is writing and one is a combination of photography and creative expression through design.

I hope over the days and even years to come – this blog will flourish and grow in ways that I cannot even imagine at this point and time.


My First Creative Writing Project:

Will be my Memoirs – which I hope to self-publish in 2023, called The Match Still Burns and will talk about the journey back to write my Memoirs and where I am today. For it is also a call to action to protect all children, especially the ones who are supposedly rescued so that they can have a better life.

I also want to be a voice for the adult survivors who may still be struggling with the scars and wounds that were not of their choosing. They too need to be heard.


Future projects will include a children’s story that has been a pet project of mine for years and stories that I often told my own nephews and niece when they were growing up.

I also hope to publish another non-fiction manuscript that talks about how challenging it can be for individuals who struggle with chronic pain and other illnesses.

It is definitely going to be a very busy time for me, but I am so excited about all of it, including the hard work.

Creative Writing Course (University of Toronto):

I had just enrolled in my first course of the Creative Writing Certificate program at the University of Toronto and it reaffirmed for me that I was walking on a path that I was meant to walk upon. There with 7 amazonian women I sat in a tiny class and listened intently as we exchanged our most intimate stories. It was overwhelming at times but inspiring and motivational at every turn.

When I was voted to read to the assembly of students from several of the writing workshops my beautiful instructor introduced me as such “Judith came to us on Monday with a couple of excerpts from a blog and then walked in on Wednesday with her Memoirs” – all of which I have to say was made possible by the support and inspiration of those women gathered in that class.

As I mentioned, this is a difficult journey for me, but also a necessary one and I want to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart and the breadth of my soul, for coming  along with me.

with love & laughter,

And for anyone who visits my page and takes the time to navigate through my story – you have my sincerest appreciation for keeping me company.

Namaste 🙂