Hi Folks,
This wonderful section of my website has a dual purpose.
Of course, as it is my website I’m going to want to provide updates and teasers about any new books that I am currently working on.
But what I also find very exciting is the opportunity to showcase and boast about other Authors & Writers that I have come across who would like to hang out with me here and chat about the exciting new writing adventures that they are embarking on.
All author profiles have been posted with the author’s permission.
You can find out more via our drop-down menu for New Books – page. Each New book summary and introduction will also introduce you to the author and a direct link to where you can purchase their book.
My first Book is targeted for publication in Spring 2020 which is called “The Match Still Burns.”
The Match Still Burns will tell the story of growing up as a ward of children’s services within a broken foster care system in St. John’s Newfoundland – A broken system, which unfortunately left a lot of broken children.